Rated 5 / 5 from 1 reviews
Joy Of Music School We are a nonprofit organization providing free music lessons for children who cannot afford them. All teachers are volunteers. We provide instruments, music and supplies at no cost to students. We endeavor to broaden the lives of financially disadvantaged young people, to teach good habits that will carry over into their lives work, and to expose young people to new opportunities for success.

Volunteers give one to three hours per week teaching disadvantaged and/or at-risk kids in piano, drums, guitar, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, violin, voice, flute and more. Teachers receive support in pedagogy, library access, and internet based teaching resources. Training is given to volunteer teachers in the area of individual mentoring as well, so that the relationships formed are significant and enduring, and transcend the music.
Highlights and features
  • Clarinet, Violin, Voice, Piano, Saxophone
Andrew Skoog
Andrew Skoog
Andrew Skoog, an associate professor of voice at the University of Tennessee, started volunteering as an instructor at the Joy of Music School in early 2006. Some of his UT colleagues teach at the School and were enthusiastic about it. Even still, Andrew’s experience has far surpassed his expectations. “It’s just been unbelievably fulfilling,” he says. It’s just … pick any positive adjective. The Joy of Music School is such a treasure for Knoxville.”
Too Crazy Too Loud
Too Crazy Too Loud
Guitar Student Raven and teacher Will Fletcher
Some students from the 2010-2011 School Year
Some students from the 2010-2011 School Year
A handful of Joy of Music School students doing what they do best. Thanks for a great school year! Congratulations to all!
For the Joy of Music - Holiday CD
For the Joy of Music - Holiday CD
A collection of traditional and fresh holiday music from some of Knoxville's best musicians. All proceeds benefit the Joy of Music School, a nonprofit organization providing free music lessons and instruments to disadvantaged children. Only $10. It's a GREAT gift idea.
Volunteer Profile, Oslo Cole
Volunteer Profile, Oslo Cole
Long-time volunteer, Oslo Cole, discusses his tenure, reminsces and shares his impressions of the School.
Outreach Teaching Summer 2011
Outreach Teaching Summer 2011
Joe Jordan, Joy of Music School outreach teacher, takes music out into the community, reaching kids through movement and demonstration.
Volunteer Teacher Profile, Lynlee Robinson
Volunteer Teacher Profile, Lynlee Robinson
Lynlee loves music and loves sharing her skills with deserving kids at the Joy of Music School.
Caleb, Student Profile
Caleb, Student Profile
It's more than music for Caleb. It's confidence and swinging scales.
Reviews (1)
Write a Review
Aaron B.
Mar 06, 2011
This is such a unique place not just for Knoxville, but for the entire country. A perfect example of what the arts can do in a community and how kids can blossom when their creativity is supported and nurtured. This really is a great model of something that we need to have in communities across the country. As our public schools fail and drop programs that encourage music and the arts these are the types of non-profits that will need to step in and fill the role.